Sickle Cell Disease data

Table of Contents


These data come from a French cross-sectional study. They contain observations on n=176 subjects living in Guadeloupe (an overseas region of France in the Caribbean). Half of the included subjects had Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). The data come from a research project described in the reference below.

Some studies suggested that subjects suffering from this disease might be more likely to have hypotension (i.e. too low blood pressure). The research project aimed to compare the blood pressure of those suffering from SCD to the others, to describe the associations between blood pressure and several other clinical variables and to compare these associations in the two populations.


Variable Explanation (Unit)
age Age (years)
sex 1=male, 2=female
SCD 1=Sickle Cell Disease: yes, 0=no
Pdias Diastolic pressure (mmHg)
Psys Systolic pressure (mmHg)
height Height (cm)
weight Weight (kg)
pulse Pulse (beats per minute)
HCT Hematocrit (%)
Creat Creatinine (mol/l)
Hb Hemoglobin (g/dL)

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text (csv) SCD.csv
rda (for R) SCD.rda

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Foucan, Genevier, Bangou, Etienne-Julan, Le Turdu, Salmi. Pression artérielle chez les patients drépanocytaires homozygotes. Rev. Epidém. et Santé Publ., 1999, 47, 329-334.

Created: 2020-10-15 Thu 15:24
