Tetrahymena data

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In an experiment with the unicellar organism tetrahymena (Hellung-Larsen et al., 1990), we are interested in determining how cell concentration may affect the cell size (average cell diameter).

Moreover, the effect of adding glucose to the growth media is investigated, by studying 19 cell cultures with no glucose added and comparing to 32 cell cultures grown with glucose added.


Variable Explanation (Unit)
supplement "glucose" if presence of glucose in the groth media or "none"
concentration Cell concentration (number of cells in 1 mL of the growth media)
diameter Average cell diameter (measured in micrometer)

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text (csv) th.csv
rda (for R) tetrahymena.rda

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Andersen, Per Kragh, and Lene Theil Skovgaard. Regression with linear predictors. Springer, 2010.

Hellung-Larsen, P., Leick, V., Tommerup, N., & Kronborg, D. (1990). Chemotaxis in tetrahymena. European journal of protistology, 25(3), 229-233.

Created: 2020-10-31 Sat 09:58
