I am an associate professor in biostatistics at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. I work at the Section of Biostatistics at the Department of Public Health of the university. My main activities are are methodological research, providing statistical support to medical researchers and teaching. I collaborate intensively with diverse clinicians from Gentofte Hospital and Rigshospitalet (incl. cardiologists, anesthesiologists, surgeons, pediatricians). Many projects are based on danish registry (big) data or randomized clinical trials. My initial methodological research topics mainly focused on survival and competing risks data and the development and validation of prediction models. More recent topics include causal inference, multiple testing, design of group sequential and adaptive clinical trials and empirical likelihood inference. Overall, my research ranges from applied biostatistics, epidemiology and clinical research, to projects in theoretical and computational developments in biostatistics. I currently serve as an Associate Editor for the Biometrical Journal.
PhD in Biostatistics, 2013
University of Bordeaux, France
M.Sc. in Statistics, 2010
Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France
Diploma of Statistician (~ M.Sc.), 2010
University of Paris Institute of Statistics (ISUP), France
B.Sc. in Mathematics, 2007
University of Caen Normandy, France
The publication list is available from google scholar.