Data on sedative drugs

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Drake et al (2017) examined and compared the arousability threshold of two drugs for sleep disorders: doxepin (6 mg) and zolpidem (10 mg) (among other things). To do so, they included n=52 healthy males in their study. They conducted an experimental procedure during which each subject was monitored while sleeping during two different nights, one after receiving zolpidem and the other after receiving doxepin.

Each night, at a specific time, the investigators started to present acoustic stimuli to the subjects through audiometric earphones. Tones began at 30 dB and increased by 5 dB until the participant woke up or the maximum dB-level (110 dB) was reached.

This data set contains information on whether each subject woke before receiving the loudest tone (110 dB) the night after receiving zolpidem and that after receiving doxepin.


Variable Explanation (Unit)
zolpidem whether the subject woke before receiving the loudest tone (110 dB) the night after receiving zolpidem (10 mg) (yes/no)
doxepin the same, but the night after receiving doxepin (6 mg)

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Drake, Christopher L., et al. "Arousability and fall risk during forced awakenings from nocturnal sleep among healthy males following administration of zolpidem 10 mg and doxepin 6 mg: a randomized, placebo-controlled, four-way crossover trial." Sleep 40.7 (2017).

Created: 2023-01-31 Tue 16:41
