Carcinoma data

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Data from a clinical trial conducted by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group in the U.S. to investigate treatments of carcinoma of the oropharynx. Patients were recruited between 1968 and 1972 and randomized to either a standard radiotherapy treatment or an experimental treatment in which the radiotherapy was supplemented by chemotherapy. The main endpoint was patient survival and patients were followed until around the end of 1973. Several baseline covariates, thought to have strong prognostic value, were also recorded.


Variable Explanation (Unit)
id patient id
inst participating institution (1,2,3,4,5 or 6)
sex 1=male, 2=female
trt 0= experimental, 1= standard
grade 1=well differentiated, 2=moderately differentiated. 3=poorly differentiated
age age in years at time of diagnosis
cond initial condition, 1= no disability, 2= restricted work, 3= require assistance with self care, 4= bed confined
site tumor site 1= fausial arch, 2= tonsillar fossa, 4= pharyngeal tongue
T T-staging: 1=primary tumor < 2 cm in largest diameter, 2=primary tumor 2 to 4 cm in largest diameter, minimal infiltration in depth, 3=primary tumor > 4 cm, 4=massive invasive tumor.
N N-staging: 0= no clinical evidence of node metastases, 1= single positive node < 3cm in diameter, not fixed, 2= single positive node > 3cm in diameter, not fixed, 3=multiple positive nodes or fixed positive nodes
status 1=death, 0= alive at end of follow-up (censored)
time time from inclusion to death or end of follow-up (days)
dateEntry date of inclusion

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Kalbfleisch and Prentice, The statistical analysis of failure time data, 2002. (see Appendix II)

Jennison and Turnbull. Group sequential methods with applications to clinical trials. CRC Press, 1999. (see Chapter 13)

Created: 2022-11-28 Mon 13:35
